Widely used for preparing a variety of cuisines including biryani, fried rice, jeera rice and lemon rice, the 1121 Creamy Sella Basmati Rice is in great demand in various hotels, restaurants and homes. Our complete stock is assured to be grown using natural and organic manures. Checked on various quality parameters, the distinctive taste and enticing aroma makes it a preferred choice among clients. Besides, it is offered in moisture proof packaging to ensure freshness for long time.

Alia® is one of the most reliable brands budget and taste. It is originally come from South Vietnam or from Thailand! As soon as you open the packet, you whiff in the beautiful aroma of jasmine! Our rice cooks into a less sticky or firm dish depending on the scale of water you add. Having that versatility, you can easily pair it up with hicken, fish, or any other delicious protein you think of! Just don’t get all hasty and consume a whole lot of it! To get a sticky texture, the packaging suggests a 1:1.5 rice to water ratio. However, if you want a firmer texture, you need to use a little less water than usual. Our 1kg size bags are easy to reseal, to prevent the rice from going bad, for biggest size you can put it in smaller plastic bags or containers to keep it fresh. Alia® Jasmine Rice is a wonderful meal to have not only because of its flavor but also because of the aroma. You better hurry in getting it before you regret not having this in your kitchen! Featuring high fiber and low toxic metals, this rice bag gives you a healthy meal at any time of the day!

Alia® 1121 Golden Sella Basmati Rice is more nutritious than white rice. It is rich in dietary fiber, magnesium and can definitely retain most of its nutrients as it isn’t processed. It has a lesser GI score, carbs, and calories compared to white rice, which makes it its best substitute and the ideal food for weight loss, diabetes management, and maintaining a healthy heart.
Characterized with long grains and a unique aroma, the 1121 Golden Sella Basmati Rice is famous all over the world. These rice grains are highly resistant to virus, blast, and bacterial blight diseases. The grains are soft and expand lengthwise when cooked. These are carefully packed in moisture tight and food grade materials for safe transit and long shelf life.
According to the USDA FoodData Central, brown rice is a rich source of essential minerals such as iron, zinc, manganese, calcium, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. It also contains important vitamins like B-vitamins – vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6, folate – vitamin E, and vitamin K. The nutrient profile of white rice is more or less
the same, albeit with a few differences. Both are healthy sources of carbohydrates, protein, and essential fatty acids. While they both have fiber, brown rice is more fibrous than white rice, which automatically makes it the healthier cereal out of the two. White rice has more carbs and calories than brown rice, which is why the latter is preferred in a weight-loss diet over
the former.
Dietary Fiber
Generally, brown rice contains 1-3 grams more fiber than its white counterpart. According to research published in the Metabolism Journal, a high-fiber diet not only relieves constipation but also keeps you feeling full for a long time, manages the body weight, controls blood sugar levels, maintains a healthy gut, and lessens the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Glycemic Index (GI)
Brown and white rice, both, have a high glycemic index (GI) score when compared to other cereals like sorghum, the different varieties of millets, barley, and the like. The GI determines the impact your food has on your blood sugar levels. You can ascertain it based on the pace or intensity with which it can raise your blood sugar levels. If you have to compare the two, white rice definitely has a higher GI of the two and instantly gets absorbed in the bloodstream. According to a report by Harvard Medical School, white rice has a high GI of 72 as compared to brown rice that has a moderate GI of 50.
Brown rice contains more magnesium than white rice. A 100 gram serving of brown rice contains 39 mg of magnesium compared to 12 mg of the same in an equivalent portion of white rice. According to the National Institute of Health, nearly 11 percent of your daily prescribed amount of magnesium is obtained out of half a cup of cooked brown rice. A diet rich in magnesium helps in maintaining good bone health, controlling blood sugar levels, boosting immunity, regulating the blood pressure, and improving muscle and nerve
functions among other things.
This is one nutrient that is more in white rice than its brown equivalent. A 100 gram serving of white rice contains 58 micrograms of folate whereas the same amount of brown rice contains 9 micrograms of the same. This essential nutrient is very important when it comes to producing DNA and other genetic components. Additionally, it is extremely important for pregnant women or those who plan to get pregnant in the near future. It also helps in the cell
division process.

Alia® is one of the most reliable brands budget and taste. It is originally come from South Vietnam or from Thailand! As soon as you open the packet, you whiff in the beautiful aroma of jasmine! Our rice cooks into a less sticky or firm dish depending on the scale of water you add. Having that versatility, you can easily pair it up with hicken, fish, or any other delicious protein you think of! Just don’t get all hasty and consume a whole lot of it! To get a sticky texture, the packaging suggests a 1:1.5 rice to water ratio. However, if you want a firmer texture, you need to use a little less water than usual.

Round rice is fast-cooking, soft and very sticky. During cooking this rice partly emits starch and absorbs more water than usual. This kind of rice is suitable for cooking both sweet and spicy dishes. It is a good choice for preparing rice porridge or pudding.